Animals I want as pets

  1. a calf

in my opinion, I think baby cows are so cute.  I have wanted to have one ever since I was little. Obviously, I can’t have one as a pet because eventually it will grow up. And the idea of having a full grown one is just, no. Not for me.

Veal Crates |

2. bunny

I really want one because they are small and adorable, but, I can’t have one because my mom is severely allergic to them so we cant have them in the house. All though I want one really badly, I wouldn’t take the risk. They also require lots pf clean up work because they can get very messy and will chew anything in sight, and I am pretty lazy so I don’t think that I would be up for all the cleaning. They can also get very expensive.

16 Biggest Pros and Cons of Rabbits as Pets – Green Garage

3: kitten

I used to have a kitten but my sister was really allergic to their fur so we had to give it away. I would really like to get another one though, but now that we have a dog we just don’t know how it would act around it. I think I would want a Norwegian Forest cat, Munchkin cat, or a ragdoll cat.

Norwegian Forest Cat Breed: Size, Appearance & Personality               A breed of cat called "munchkin cat" fits perfectly! : r/aww Ragdoll – Cat's Best



here’s a link to a cool blog about some of the craziest animals people actually have as pets!

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