simply guitar

For my owl im doing guitar. I found my self hopeless on finding a way to learn but then i found simply guitar. But it wasnt very good. I lets you learn a few things then you have to pay money to use it.

I think it would be a much better app if you didnt have to pay because it has the potential to be a really good learning app for begginers but because you have to pay its not very fun.

The amount you have to pay for even 1 month is wayyyy to expensive not to mention how much it is for a year or unlimitted amount of time.

I would rate this app a 1.5/ 10 because for the short amount of time it does teach you a little bit that is helpful. Also, after you do the lessons you dont have to play for, the tuner is still free and you can redo the lessons you have already done but thats about it.
Simply Guitar by JoyTunes Reviews 2020 | JustUseApp Reviews

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