
Right now i have currently watching a buch of christmas movies and there all so good! i have also watch caroline.


The movie caroline is about a girl who has moved and finds a secret door in the wall. When she goes through the door she finds her other parents, they look the same except that they are more cheerful and have bottons for eyes. Caroline thinks that this alternet world is way better that her real life so in the middle of the night she keeps going back, but what she doesnt know is that its a trap. The mom in the other world is trying to take her soul and eyes. She also wants to sew buttons into her eyes. If you want to know what happens to caroline, you should defentaly watch the movie. You can find it on netflix,youtube, or order it off amazon! i defenaly rate this movie a 10/10 !


Hereare 2 really good christmas movies!

The mistletoe seceret

The misltoe seceret is about a buisness that hasnt been doing to good so they get a journalist to come to see what their town is all about to bring in tourist to get buisness back. The boss has a seceret journalist go into the town and write for him so everybody thinks its the boss whos writing so when he comes into the town too everyone is excited to see him. The journalist falls in love with one of the characters and want to tell her his secret and that he wants to be known for his work and not be taken advantage of but every time he trys totell her his boss comes andtrys to steal her from him. Does he end up telling her? Go see for your self. you can find the movie on youtube! I defently rate this movie a 10/10 too!


Check inn to christmas

this movie is about to familys who have a fued to win allthe annual christmas event in their town. This year there host is a man who has taken many buisnesses out of buisness. Ifhe bought land, it would be done for them. 2 people from each family gathered together to make the rest of the family work together to stop this years host from taking them doen, Will it work out? you can find this movie on youtube! i also rate this one a solid 10/10!


I hope you decide to watch some of these movies! i d them relly entertaning and fun to watch when im bored. If you want me to recemend some more to watch, idefently will make more blogs for that soon!



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