My week

Monday- Monday was pretty boring. We don’t really do much. I woke up, went to school, then came home. When I got home I kind of just slumped around for a bit. After a while, I decided to finish my owl presentation and then I worked on my science and essay planner for a bit. After that I just watched a movie, read, and facetimed a few friends so it was a pretty chill, slow day.

Tuesday:  Tuesday was pretty similar to Monday, Owl, Science, read. pretty much the same things. And again, I facetimed a few more friends. On Tuesday I was hurrying to put the finishing details on my owl presentation because I was unsure if I was going to have to present Wednesday or Thursday.

Wednesday: On Wednesday I finished my Math at school so I didn’t have to worry about it once i got home. I ended up not  presenting on Wednesday but that just made me a little bit more nervous because I wanted to just get it  done and over with so Wednesday night I went over my presentation again to make sure I had no spelling corrections, or out of place slides. After that I facetimed my friends again and did some of my science presentation while I talked to them. After that, I had supper then facetimed them back. And before I went to bed I read a little bit.

Thursday: I presented on Thursday and I think I did okay. I was a little bit nervous because one of my videos on the presentation didn’t  play but I luckily had it on my phone so I could still show my progress. After that I went home and read then facetimed my friends again and finished my science. I had supper then just hung out with my brother for a bit then went to bed

Friday: Today is Friday, and I have the science presentation today and I am really scared because I have no idea how to even stat the presentation. I think In will do alright but I hate presenting. I’m mostly worried I am not going to have the right stuff  on my slides or i wont have enough information. Other than that, I’m just going to go home and talk to friends.

So I think this week has been aright, definitely nerve wracking because of all of the  presentations I have had this week but it was still a good week.

words: 414


Get to know me

For my blog today I am going to do a “get to know me”. I have done this in the past but I think some things have changed so I decided to to one this year as well.

this is from my blog last year about the things that haven’t changed about me from a previous one. Everything on there is the same except for the oncologist one. I still want to be it but not as much as I used to. And as for university, I still want to go but by the time I  get there I am going to have to find the motivation again. I’m not quite sure want I would want to be if I decided not to be an oncologist but I think I have an idea.


In my other blog post, I stated that my favorite genre of music was country, however, since then that has changed. I only like certain country songs. I don’t actually know what genre I  do like because I listen to a bit of everything, except for country of course. I don’t even know why I dis like it now. I guess it just got boring and old. I feel like the country songs just get worse as time goes on . The old ones are better and more original. I also put that I love horror movies and that hasn’t changed at all! In fact, I think I have grown to like them better. Apart from the fat that they are scary, I find it really fun to watch them with a big group of friends or family.


I put that i like going up to the cabin in my other post, I still enjoy it all though T haven’t been up there in almost a year now because of how busy we have been but in all honesty, I would much rather just stay in my bed all day on my phone. I know that’s not very healthy but because of how busy the past 2 years have been I am drained by the end of the day and just want to do nothing but go on my phone and relax.

Nothing else from the blog has really changed. I did noticed that i had put sage, champagne , and deep green as my favorite colour and that has not changed but I also like light blues as well now

here is a link to the blog where I was comparing to- ABOUT ME

I also went back into some of my older blogs and found one i made about some goals i have in life and most of them ar the same so you can check that out to if you would like-  GOALS


WORDS- 457