future jobs

I’m not exactly sure what I want to do when I’m older, I want to go and travel lots but with the jobs I’m interested in, I cant really. My options I want are an Oncologist, crime scene investigator,  marine biologist, or a lawyer.

]I have wanted to be an Oncologist since grade six, but I feel like I don’t want to as much as I did in previous years. If you don’t know what an Oncologist, it’s a doctor who treats cancer. There are different kid like, medical, radiation, surgical, pediatric, gynecologic, and hematologists. I wanted to be a medical oncologist. Medical oncologist treat cancer using chemotherapy, hormonal therapies, biological therapies, and other targeted treatments. I still would like to be one and would be happy if I  got the chance but I’ve recently been leaning away from it and thinking of other things I’m interested in.

a short description on medical oncology

I think a crime scene investigator/ detective would be really interesting especially since the only shows I watch on TV are really all just crime shows like Law and Order SUV, 911, ETC. I just think it’s something I would enjoy and be passionate about because I have always been interested in this type of thing. But, I think I would have to travel and live somewhere else for, I don’t know, more opportunity , I guess. Which, I’m not sure if I would want to.


I think being a Marine biologist would be cool. I think it would allow me too travel a bit more and it would be fun to swim with and learn about all of the animals and other things to do with oceanography. A marine biologist is a scientist who specializes in the study of marine mammals. There are over 100 species of marine mammals including pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walrus), cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), sirenians (manatees and dugongs), and some carnivores, such as sea otters and polar bears. I like this job because I think that working with sea animals are cool and it requires you to travel a lot, which is what I want to do. It is also a pretty well paid job.

about marine biologists

Another thing I’m interested in being is a lawyer. There is a wide range of different kind of lawyers. The one I would want to be is a criminal lawyer, which, then again, falls into the whole detective  stuff that I’m interested in. I think that this would be a good one to because its less dangerous than a detective, but that really depends on the case and stuff But this is another option that I’ve wanted for a long time. I think I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since around grade 4.

different types of lawyers

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